
Black Moon Circle - Psychedelic Spacelord

This review suppose to be different. I planned to write about guitar techniques, about harmonies, melodies and other boring stuff. But I made my life bit more complicated week ago. Well in fairness I made that in September but it was last week when my wife brought to this world our second daughter. I'm busy, I don't sleep well and my back hurts. And that's how I finally understood this album...

Black Moon Circle are from Norway and since the beginning are dedicated to improvisation. They just sit and play music. We could discuss on how broken drums here lead violin solo through the title part of the album (title part, as there are no tracks here, it's one long jam session) or how hammond organs point accents in the other part. We won't. Album's name basically explains what we can expect from it. It's gonna be psychedelic. And very spacious. But somehow we can consider that piece in terms of ambient too. It's a recording of some process but also a trip. As band themselves said, it's all about the trip, the melodies, cool ideas and time they spend together.  It's all about the trip...

There is something magical in improvisation. Well Keith Jarrett is a master of it but he is there on his own. He got idea in his head and just play it. Its about one mind drifting away. When band is jamming there is multiple artists trying to find same path, follow same melody even though they never heard it before. And this is how melody rises from the chaos like a phoenix from the dust. It is somehow similar to looking after two babies. It's a try to control the chaos. But it is just a try. Nothing works, everything falls apart you slowly loose your mind. And then in one moment most ridiculous thing become best solution to calm the baby. It works just fine and all chaos turn into harmony! But in real life baby won't stay interested in one thing for long and that's when it all fall apart like a house of cards and you have to start from the beginning. That's why improvisation is so amazing and so interesting and unique. Black Moon Circle recorded this session in March 2017, violins and vocals were added later. But these are just details. Core of the music was improvised and it is simply stunning. Relaxing and disturbing in a same time. Spacious and psychedelically trippy. 

Psychedelic Spaclord was released as CD and as vinyl. Vinyl is coloured as red marble and looks fabulous. It is really well pressed and sounds good too. There is CD included in this release so you can easily compare both versions. I found vinyl softer which is only in plus for this album. We also got a gatefold with beautiful graphic inside. If you'd expect Spacelord's portrait on the cover you will be disappointed. It's at the back. Pointing at you. Wearing motorbike googles, so it seem he invites you for a motorbike trip. It's all about trip...


  1. Thank you for the most excellent review of our record.. Peace..

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